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What is AI

Artificial Intelligence is the ability of computers to simulate natural intelligence by learning from experience and doing tasks just like humans can and that too without the need of any intervention from human beings.

Goals of AI

  • To create expert systems: The systems which exhibit intelligent behaviour, learn, demonstrate, explain and advice its users
  • To implement human intelligence in machines: Creating systems that understand, think, learn, and behave like humans

Branches of AI

Machine Learning (ML)

  • ML is a method where the target is defined and the steps to reach that target are learned by the machine itself by training
  • Example: to identify a simple object such as an apple or orange
  • The target is achieved by showing multiple pictures of object and thereby allowing the machine to define the steps to identify it like an apple or an orange.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

  • NLP is the automatic manipulation of natural language, like speech and text, by software
  • Example: e-mail spam detection which has improved the mail system


  • Machine vision captures and analyses visual information using a camera, analog-to-digital conversion, and digital signal processing


  • Robotics is a field of engineering focused on the design and manufacturing of robots
  • Robots are used where the takss are difficult for humans to perform
  • For example, car assemply lines, in hospitals, office cleaner, serving foods and preparing foods in hotels etc.

Role of Machine Intelligence in human life (Imp)

  • Machine intelligence is the intelligence provided to the particular machine to achieve the goals of the problems in AI
  • It is defined as the embedding of intelligence in the machine so that the machine can behave like a human
  • In human life, machine learning solves many problems of daily purpose of the human
  • There are many problems which require intelligence such as complex arithmetic which is done by machine very easily
  • Machine learning plays an important role in following areas:


  • Learning means to acquire new things from the set of given knowledge or experiences
  • It refers tot the change in subject's behaviour to a given situation brought by repeated experiences in that situation


  • Reasoning means to infer facts from given facts
  • Inferences are classified as either deductive or inductive and the reasoning is to draw inferences appropriate to the situation

Problem Solving

  • To solve problem means to move towards the goal
  • In this, set of rules are defined and a goal is also defined which is to be achieved by using these rules

Language Understanding

  • It means to understand natural language meaning
  • A language is a system of signs having meaning-by-convention
  • The meaning-by-convention is distinctive of language and is very different from natural meaning

Four Categoriges of AI Classification (Imp)

Reactive Machines

  • These are the most basic type of AI and are purely reactive
  • They neither can form memories nor can use past experiences to form decisions
  • For Example: IBM's Deep Blue chess-playing is supercomputer which choose most optimal of the chess moves and beat the opponent. Apart from a rarely used chess-specific rule against repeating the same move three times, Deep Blue ignores everything before the present moment thus not storing any memories. This type of AI just perceives the world, the chess game in the case of Deep Blue, and acts on it.

Limited Memory

  • These machines can look into the past
  • Not the ability to predict what happened in the past, but the usage of memories to form decisions
  • For Example: Self-driving cars. They observe other cars' speed and directions and act accordingly. This requires monitoring of how a car is driven for a specific amount of time. Just like how humans observe and learn the specific. These pieces of information are not stored in the library of experiences of the machines, unlike humans. We humans automatically save everything in the library of our experiences and can learn from it, but limited memory machines can't

Theory of Mind

  • These are types of machines that can understand that people have beliefs, emotions, expectations, etc. and have some of their own
  • A "theory of mind" machine can think emotionally and can respond with emotions
  • For Example: AI like Sophia, the research is not complete yet, these machines have a notion of not just the world, but also the exisiting entities of the world, like human beings, animals, etc.


  • These types of machines can be called human equivalents
  • For Example: The difference between "theory of mind" and "self-awareness" AI. The feeling of I want to play is different from the feeling of I know I want to play. In the latter, there is a sense of consciousness and is a characteristic of a self-aware machine, while the former feeling is a characteristic of a theory-of-mind machine. Self-aware machines will have the ability to predict others' feelings.