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Problem Solving Methods

Categories of problem

Toy problem

  • Problem that illustrates various problem solving methods
  • They have exact & precised description
  • Provide basis for solving real-life problems
  • Used by researchers to compare performance of algorithms
  • Examples: n-Queen puzzle, vacuum world, ball picker robot

Real world problem

  • Problem that needs to be solved so that its solution can be utilised in practical life
  • Don't have well described, single specification
  • People care about solutions of real-world problems as they are benefited from it
  • Examples: Route finding for a trip, travelling salesman problem, robot navigation, car reversing guide.

Construction of state space

  • The root of search tree is a search node corresponding to initial state. In this state only we can check if goal is reached.
  • If goal is not reached we need to consider another state. Such a process can be done by expanding from the current state by applying successor function which generates new state. From this we may get multiple states
  • For each one of these, again we need to check goal test or else repeat expansion of each state.
  • The choice of which state to expand is determined by the search strategy.
  • It is possible that some state, surely, can never lead to goal state. Such a state we need not to expand. This decision is based on various conditions of the problem.

Terminologies used in search trees

  • Node in a tree: It is a book keeping data structure to represent the structure configuration of a state in a search tree.
  • State: It reflects world configuration. It is mapping of state and action to another new state.
  • Fringe: It is a collection of nodes that have been generated but not yet expanded.
  • Leaf node: Each node in fringe is leaf node (as it does not have further successor node).

Evaluation of Problem Solving Algorithms

  • Completeness: Does the algorithm surely find a solution, if really the solution exists.
  • Optimality: Sometimes it happens that there are multiple solutions to a single problem. But the algorithm is expected to produce best solution among all feasible solution, which is called as optimal solution.
  • Time complexity: How much time the algorithm takes to find the solution.
  • Space complexity: How much memory is required to perform the search algorithm.

State Space Approach

  • A state is representation of problem elements at a given moment
  • State space is the set of all states reachable from the initial state
  • State space forms a graph in which the nodes are states and the arcs between nodes are acitons
  • In the state space, a path is a sequence of states connected by a sequence of actions
  • The solution of a problem is part of the graph formed by the sttae space
  • The state space representation forms the basis of most of the AI methods
  • Its structure corresponds to the structure of problem solving in two important ways:
    • It allows for a formal definition of a problem as per the need to convert some given situation into some desired situation using a set of permissible operations
    • It permits the problem to be solved with the help of known techniques and control strategies to move through the problem space until goal state is found
  • To solve a particular problem, we need to build a system or a method which can generate required solution. Following four things are required for building such system:
    • Define the problem precisely. This definition must precisely specify the initial situation (input).
    • Analyse the problem. To identify those important features which can havev an immense impact on the appropriateness
    • Isolate and represent the task knowledge that is necessary to solve the problem
    • Choose the best problem solving technique and apply it to the particular problem